
This project – For Children’s Serenity Learning Retreat Ranch –  was envisioned as I discovered the lack of transitional guidance for teenagers aging out or have aged out of the foster system.  I wanted to provide these young adults a place where they would be able to discover their potential, to be able to introduce them to the various types of professions from A-Z … of becoming an Artist to becoming a Zoologist.

I had initially wanted to start this project on the 3.4 acres I had on Alawaena Street on the Big Island, but soon discovered that what I had envisioned would not have worked there.  It would have required more land, structures, etc. to truly provide the curriculum that I feel would be necessary to accomplish this goal.  And sadly, in 2008 I had to close my foster home and put this project “on the shelf” in hopes I may one day find the right location for this Learning Retreat Ranch.

We are starting work to examine the feasibility of creating the Learning Retreat Ranch on portions of the old Molokai Ranch. Please follow along as we work to make this vision happen!


Filma Sahagun


We will welcome all foster families for all programs.


We will provide a loving, family atmosphere.


We will update soon!